Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Impressions

Muffinman, I agree that this blog has become too depressing for its own good, so I decided to spice it up by posting the picture below.

I think Robocop is gay. You know I love you, but no homo man.

I wanted to update this blog more regularly but it’s been really hectic these past few days. Between fixing up my resume, going to the career fair today, and actually attending all my classes (without taking naps in them), I haven’t been able to make time to write about every detail of my amazing life story.

Recently, I have literally been living and breathing in the career center (Wasserman). I would go there in between classes, during my lunch breaks, after classes to get help on my resume and figure out what the fuck I am supposed to be doing in preparation for the career fair. It was especially hard to make my resume awesome based on the limited amount of job experience I actually have, but I came up with something that looked passable and went over to the fair anyways. It was a good experience – I looked good in my suit and I got a lot of great insights from talking with a lot of professionals in banking. Did I mention I looked good?

Because I’ve lived in Wasserman these past couple of days, I’ve been getting my coffee fix there. The coffee’s free and the free Wi-Fi is always a plus, but the coffee comes in a little pack that looks as if it should be filled with a Japanese mocha-flavored jelly – not coffee. At least my expectations were low – the coffee tasted like guess what, free coffee so I wasn’t disappointed. It’s not very good, but it’s free coffee and still drinkable.

On the other hand I was unlucky enough to encounter the worst coffee I’ve ever had. The coffee I bought in the Stern student lounge was a lukewarm cup of shit with cream in it. I am still in disbelief that I paid for coffee this bad. I needed to get it off my chest and put my devastation out into the world for people to see.

On the flip side, I like all the professors I have this semester. None of them are 80+ years old and look like they might go to bed one day and never wake up (One of my professors last semester was over 90 years old). Now that I’m taking classes that I’m actually interested in (Intro to Investments, Intro to Marketing, Macroeconomics/International Trade, and Chinese) I’ll hopefully be attending these classes more often than I used to in the past. The fact that Chinese is my first class everyday and attendance is mandatory doesn’t hurt either. As a side note, I’ve decided not to take tomorrow’s placement exam into Chinese II because: first, I haven’t retained much from Chinese I; second, I didn’t study Chinese this week like I told myself I would; and last, I want at least one easy class this semester.

BTW, where the fuck is my digital camera?



Unknown said...

Omg I sadly had to drop Chinese this semester because it wouldn't fit into my schedule, but its so freakin hard. It took me forever to learn the four tones and I had to drop it. Ugh. Pitiful.

Life After ARC said...

I'm liking the picture.

I must say, I do look quite fetching on a unicorn.


Life After ARC said...

woah Jennie is on our blog too
Dissapointed that you decided not to take your placement and very impressed that you are spending all this time in the career center.
Is it awkward to talk about your resume? Because I fear that when I go back to SD.

I am glad that this blog has kind of turned into a support group for each of us. Reading this entry hella makes me want to work on my resume and write a blog post of course.


Life After ARC said...

no, not really. I already had a resume in place so all I did was go there and ask them to look it over and help me with it.

So go and get your resume fixed so that you can intern in nyc over the summer!


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