Monday, September 21, 2009

Be back later ASD

The last two summers I have been spending my time at the Academy of Self Defense (ASD). Joining this place was a turning point in my life (no joke) and one of the best decisions I have ever made. Training in Krav Maga and jiu-jitsu gave me another joy in life. Landing that combination in sparring or the arm bar in rolling are achievements that I take pride in and a real confidence booster. For once, I feel pride in my abilities.

However, ASD was not always a source of pride, my first day was a terrible experience as I gassed out after just 15 minutes of the workout. I had a huge headache, my vision got really blurry and I could barely stand. Afterwards for the whole day I felt like shit. Not sure what made me want to go back, especially since Tom bailed on me, but I am glad I did.

Fast forward to now and I cannot wait to get back to ASD. The friends I made there are the most supportive ones I have and each time I go back, I learn just a little bit more. And of course I love the fighting aspect of it all.

I am going to introduce some of my "other" friends in San Jose

Ev is the oldest in the picture, but do not let that fool you....

Ev is the head instructor at ASD. Besides appearing deceptively old, he is a very generous man and a great instructor. Whenever I on vacation from school he lets me train for free! I still remember the day I sat in on a sparring class and watched Ev spar. This guy threw a flurry of 6-8 punches and Ev just blocked them all with one hand while smiling. Nowadays I am no longer watching on the sidelines, I get to personally have my ass kicked by him in sparring. I still need to go to one of his amazing camping trips.

My Brazilian Jiu-jitsu instructor is like one of those classic kung fu masters. He always talks a lot about life and how it applies to jiu-jitsu or vice versa. Finding balance in life and jiu-jitsu is a reoccurring theme in these talks and it is something I have taken to heart this summer. Also I had the opportunity to see Stan drill on my last day and it was simply amazing. His fluidity and grace in transitioning from position to position was awe inspiring. I hope to be that good someday.

Will is just about to perform a headlock escape from his girlfriend

Will was my first friend in Krav and the one who taught me all the basics, even my first submissions! He is always supportive and has told me that I can get a hug whenever I need one. Things have changed though, suddenly Will gets a girlfriend, thinner, stronger and even a house ( I was invited to the housewarming party and I totally regret not going). What has not changed though is the fact that he is ever as helpful and supportive as the first day I met him, except now I get to teach him stuff too.

After this picture Cal went and did a 1000 push ups and sit ups

To get a good idea of how Cal is like at Krav, one only has to imagine the energizer bunny. Simply stated, Cal never stops, ever. To get an idea of how much energy he has, I will tell you what he did on Wednesdays this summer. Cal gets to ASD at around 10am and begins working out or sparring till 11 and then he does 2 hours of Krav with me and then after we grapple for maybe 15 - 30mins. During grappling he consistently overpowers me. He is a soft spoken kid who is quick to help and a great training partner. Oh and in sparring he runs straight and punching him in the face does nothing. It is scary as hell.

Katrina's smile hides her violent side well

Katrina is my new friend at Krav. I met her just this summer, where after I learned her name began to quickly submit her with a rear naked choke. Katrina is one of the most unique girls I have ever met. Her love for fighting and her enthusiasm to learn is second to none. Sparring with her is a pleasure because I always win (YES!) and she always tries her hardest and shows true heart. She was a great partner for my belt test and I hope to see her at UCSD soon! I am also sure that she will soon be able to match me in sparring, once she begins to go to classes again.

Thanks for the fighting spirit ASD and see you in 3 months time