This is Robocop signing on after a year or so (you do the
math) of no-show darkness.
It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and maybe I can try
to make this a weekly thing. Who knows? I’m actually just writing this to see
how it goes the first time around, and if the post doesn’t suck and I am able
to get some emotional release, laughs, or some small wisdom nuggets from
writing my inner self onto paper, I’ll continue!
So hello, hello to our small world of subscribers! It’s
been months, if not a year, since my last update, and things have been up and
down all around. I’m wiser in my approach to life and its uncertainties, but I
still have so much more room to grow and so many more challenges to revisit at
school and abroad.
I’ve gotten wiser from being stupid in the same way over
and over again, and being stupid and stubborn seems to be my default, so
shifting my train of thought from negativity over to productivity has been
extremely difficult, but an eye-opening experience. This is summing it up deceivingly neatly.
It’s been a little bit more hellish than suggested by the
light, shiny post I’m throwing up right now. Maybe, I’ll delve more into that
later when I’m feeling up for pouring my heart out, but for now, this suffices.
Later, gators.