Tuesday, February 5, 2013

LA Road Trip Reflections

I started this blog post out as a recap of events in LA, but I quickly got bored writing it.  I think a reflection of last week's events is much more appropriate for this blog.

Surprising Robocop was a great idea
Despite what the doubters like Eric say surprising Robocop in LA was a great idea.  Of course, it would have been more awesome had Robocop been home when I dropped by his apartment and also if his girlfriend had not tipped him off.  I think my ability to do things on a whim and pop out of nowhere are one of my more endearing and unique qualities.  Robocop was genuinely surprised and I believe the time we spent together on this trip will be remembered for the rest of our lives.  I can see ourselves talking about it in the future with our kids and family about that one time I randomly came down to LA.

I really love driving
This was the first time in a long time that I drove everyday and I really loved every minute of it.  As great as public transportation is, it just cannot beat the freedom and independence of a car.  I love the peace that driving gives me and I hope that I will be able to afford a car in San Francisco in the near future.

Deeply concerned for Robocop's future
When I met Robocop, he was very happy and enthusiastic.  In fact, Robocop was so uncharacteristically energetic that it struck me as strange almost as if he was over compensating for his lack of energy in the recent past.  During dinner, I was really shocked when Robocop had feinted an outburst towards the waiter.  Similar outbursts continued for the rest of the week and I am not sure what to think of them.

Robocop had a lot of breakthroughs while I was in LA.  He started vlogging and has even declared that he has found out what he wants to do with his life.  I really wish the best for him, but I cannot help but think that I have seen this before.  There were a few instances over the last five years where Robocop looked like he had everything figured out and on track to achieving his dreams.  A few months later Emoinacloset and I would hear nothing from him and be unable to reach him.  When Robocop finally did respond we would learn that he had lapsed back into depression. The cycles have been a really extremely heart wrenching and frustrating for Emoinacloset and me; and I really hope that this time happy Robocop is here to stay.       

Aside the happiness and energy that Robocop displayed, there were two very concerning things I learned about him during my time in LA.  After admitting that living with his now ex-girlfriend was a huge mistake, Robocop has decided to continue living with her so she won't have to go through the breakup alone.  That to me seems to defeat the whole point of a break up.  Furthermore, it seems that Robocop's depression has severely impacted his academics.  In the past, no matter how bad things got Robocop still managed to keep his grades up, however, that no longer seems to be the case.  

LA's food trucks are infinitely better than SF's
LA's food trucks are just more creative, tasty and all around amazing than what we have in SF.

Visiting friends is a blast
When I started to think about it, it was mind boggling how many friends I had in LA that I wanted to see.  It was even more mind boggling the variety of places and phases of my life that these friends came from.  For me, one of the most exhilarating things is seeing someone I met halfway across the world again and I got to do that with Chinglee.  Considering how Chinglee stopped talking to me in SH because I was too "clingy" makes the meeting seem even more improbable.

The LA trip has made me want to travel, especially to Singapore where many friends that I have not seen in years reside.  I told Eric that two years from now Robocop, Emoinacloset and I should go and meet up in New Orleans.  Now that sounds like another trip I will remember for the rest of my life.    

Money buys freedom
This whole trip would not have been possible without me getting a new job with a huge pay raise.  It is true that money cannot buy happiness, but it certainly buys you the freedom to pursue it.  I really consider myself lucky for everything to work out this way.  Less than a month ago, I was laid off, angry and only had enough money for 2 months rent.  It's nothing short of a miracle that I was able to afford this trip in such a short time. I swear I will give it my all to ensure that I can have further trips like it in the future.  
