Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Resolutions

Yes, I know it is kind of lame that I jump straight to the New Year's resolution after not having blogged in months, but I promise I am chipping away at the back log of posts!

2012's post was a bit different from what I usually do and I liked the trend of group resolutions.  Alas, Emoinacloset is in NYC and Robocop is difficult to reach as usual so I am making these resolutions for them unilaterally.  I don't think they will mind, since I am the main driver behind these things anyway.  Also, this post might be a bit rough as I am going to step out and watch fireworks in an hour.


Learn to communicate
Barring the year when Robocop disappeared without a trace, this has been the worst communication year ever.  Multiple times, Robocop went off the grid and the only way for me to reach him was through his girlfriend.  Both Emoinacloset and my patience is wearing thin.  We love Robocop and everything, but it is very frustrating when it seems like the other person is not even trying in the friendship.  In 2013, I would like to see Robocop pick up the phone, call me back or text me within a reasonable amount of time when I reach out to him.

In the past three years, Robocop has been in and out of school and fake school.  He does amazingly well in the beginning, but then loses the drive to finish when finals come around.   I know Robocop can excel in class, he's always done leaps and bounds better than me or Emoinacloset at school.  I think if he keeps a good work-life balance this year, I can see Robocop get his diploma in June.


Meet new people
I know it is hard to make new friends after college, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.  It's a bit concerning when Emoinacloset has not made any new friends since graduation.  Also a bit concerning, when all his friends just change numbers around for a living.  I believe it would be good for Emoinacloset to step out of his comfort zone this year and make new non finance friends.  Maybe, he will figure out how be happy in the process.  

Try online dating
Liquored up one night stands are not the answer to loneliness! A real relationship with somebody you love is.  Online dating doesn't have the stigma that it had in the past.  Everybody our age is doing it! Go make your OkCupid profile now!


Get back into martial arts
Not to mention, I miss the rush of getting punched in the face and fighting off people trying to rip my limbs off.  Martial arts has changed my life for the better and I want to start taking training more seriously.  The last six months I have been unable to afford a gym membership, but that should all change with a new job.  In 2013, I do not want to make any more excuses about missing classes.  In addition, I want to get a blue belt or compete in an amateur fight before I die, though not necessarily in 2013.

Be Happy
Linda, a friend from my first semester in SH, appeared suddenly in my life and wrecked everything. After a month long WWOOFing stint, Linda found true happiness in Hawaii and decided to permanently move there.  As she shared her experiences and happiness, it forced me to look at my own life.  San Francisco, has been fun, but not real fun and I cannot say that I am happy without lying to myself.  I want what Linda has and with no obligations to family or friends, I think 2013 is a good year to start figuring out how to be happy.