Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's Called A Visa (Part 2)

What the hell happened?

I just received the call from the company, and they said they will not be able to offer me a position due to legal reasons. I can't work at the company because my visa is the wrong type, and they won't let me work as an unpaid intern because it is against company policy. As it turns out, I am a dual citizen of the US and Korea but if I work for the company as a Korean citizen, I have to go serve two years in the Korean army right away.

The boss-man did say that there is a US branch of the company in New York and that he will try to talk to them to see if they can accept me as an intern. Even still, I don't know if this is a sure thing -- they might not accept interns on such a short notice (after all, this is kind of ridiculous). Even if they would have accepted me, what if the US branch has already begun training for their interns and can't accept me? It looks like my only option now is for me to wait it out and pray things work out. Of course, even if they can offer me a job in New York the problem then shifts towards issues like, "How do I get there?" and "Where will I live?"

I have only been here a week now, and I am already looking into the prospect of leaving. This seems like such a waste of a trip to Korea; I was really looking forward to working here this summer. By now I was expecting to have already happily started work; now all I can do is sit and wait.

Moral of the story: Always make sure your job is 100% guaranteed before you rush ahead to buy a plane ticket that ships you halfway around the world.

This is such a WTF moment.



Life After ARC said...

Wtf, I feel your pain. Although, I can't say that there wasn't something unsettling about the fact that you didn't know anything logistical about your internship there.

I hope everything works out. Maybe, you should find out when the boss will hear back from the NY branch and look ahead (and contact) at places to live. That way, if you get the green light, you can follow up right away, instead of scrambling for a place to stay at the last minute.

Good luck! Hope shit starts looking up for you SOON.


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